Cuando haces lo que a otros no les gusta...

“Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy.”

...Y no me refiero a pegar o insultar a gente, no, me refiero a pasar un límite, una pequeña línea entre lo que la mayoría entiende como normal: Lo que a la gente no le gusta.
No voy a dar un ejemplo concreto, pero estoy más que seguro de que alguna vez todos hemos hecho algo que a los demás, o simplemente a una persona, no le gustaba, y no le gustaba porque le parecía excéntrico, raro o incluso estúpido. No lo entienden. Ese es el problema, no entienden que a veces tú (que también perteneces a una gran corriente o main-stream) quieres salir un poco del círculo en el que vives. A mucha gente no le gustará que saques ni un pie, otra gente te aplaudirá por hacerlo; ¿pero algo de eso importa? Sí importa. 

“When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't.” 

Que una persona o personas te estén recordando constantemente que no eres normal, y con normal me refiero a seguir las normas (establecidas por el grupo), puede herir fuertemente la autoestima ya que ellos no entienden el por qué, pero que ellos no lo entiendan no significa que en tu cabeza no tenga coherencia; en cambio que la gente apoye tus nuevas ideas, sueños, proyectos, o en lo que quieras pensar que te hace sentir mejor, da más valía a tu trabajo, es como dar un acogedor abrazo a tus ideas, te hace sentir bien.

“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”

Si puedes hacerlo, hazlo. Habrá gente que juzgue, habrá gente que apoye. Lo entenderán o no. Te ayudarán o no. Pero si crees en algo que te gusta, o simplemente quieres salirte un poco de lo común, ve a por ello y hazlo porque probablemente mañana no podremos.

Interview: @MoncheleBitches

The person who's behind the Santana icon: @MoncheleBitches
Jenna is a 19 years old gleek who lives in Australia. She works part time at a supermarket and study full time at the University of Queensland. She likes to play with her pets, watch TV shows and Youtube videos, listen to music and surf the net. Her favourite shows are Glee, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, American Horror Story, The Big Bang Theory and The Walking Dead. The past 26th of January was Australia day, she loves their spirit, humour, culture, species, beaches and their land. She's proud to be from Australia but the bad part, for her, is living on the other side of the atmosphere, they have a lot of negatives like timezones, it's very expensive there, and they miss out on a lot of things. 
She's more of a glass half full kind of person, she's passionate about the things she loves, she's insecure and introverted, simple and keeps a lot to herself. Jenna is an independent person who will put happiness and love above all else.

"The show came to me when I needed it most. It was love at first sight. I became obsessed immediately. "

Do you remember when and why did you start watching glee?
It was at a time when I wanted to start watching more television 'cause I only really liked one other show and it was coming to an end. I remember the promo so clear. It looked like nothing else on TV and I was so excited to watch it. This was in May 2009. I fell IN LOVE with it in the first 10 minutes. Like it was love at first sight. I became obsessed immediately. I also related to Rachel at the time because I was going through something really tough. The show kinda came to me when I needed it most. I knew this was gonna be my favourite new show right away. Right after DSB finished I ran to my computer and downloaded it. It was also ironic that DSB was my favourite song at the time. The promo said it wasn't gonna return till September and I was so heartbroken I had to wait so long. I kept praying that the rest of the series was as good. And it was. It instantly became my favourite show. And I have been here in the fandom through everything. I've been through the best highs and worst lows but I still love it just as much as I did back then. 

What did you liked the most in general?
I loved that these characters were so relatable. I loved that they were the underdogs. I loved that it was a musical on TV. It's not only my favourite show, for a while there all I ever listened to was Glee. Season 2 was amazing, I loved the storylines, the drama, the performances, and it was just perfect. Season 3 was kinda scary in that, it felt like it was the end, we didn't know what Season 4 would be like, and a lot of the time we thought no one would return. It was quite dramatic, sorta like the end of an era.  I tried to treasure each Season 2 episode as much as possible because I knew it'd never be like this again.

"I felt like if I was just a casual viewer, I would have stopped there and maybe have just waited for the series to end then binge watch it"

Glee. S4 EP22. All Or Nothing
What about S4 and S5?
Season 4 was sounding pretty alright. I watched the first episode of season 4... and honestly, as soon as it ended I felt my heart sink a little. I knew that this was no longer 'Glee' like we knew. I wanted to know about Quinn at Yale and all the other characters I had just grown up with. This was the  biggest mistake the writers did. They just replaced the cast in the snap of a finger. They handled it so wrong. And the newbies were no longer underdogs. They were all jocks and popular, and Marley was the most beautiful character that her insecurities just made me mad. And my biggest pet peeve was Unique. I hated that they brought him into New Directions. I felt like, if I didn't love the show, like if I was just a casual viewer, I would have stopped there and maybe have just waited for the series to end then binge watch it. Season 5 was heartbreaking. A fault with season 5 was that it focused way too much on the newbies. And the Blaine/Sam/Tina trio was just so obnoxious and getting out of hand. We all wanted New York because the Rachel/Kurt/Santana trio was the only good thing left. And when it went full New York I thought "Yes this is great", but they basically just took Sam and Blaine, the two most hated characters from viewers, and put them in the centre of New York. It was just cringe worthy the storylines. It felt like it was just the Blaine and Rachel show. A huge mistake from season 4/5 is how unrealistic Rachel's storyline was. Rachel was my favourite character and I started to resent her. It was like she was just playing Lea Michele.

I have many bad things to say about season 4 and 5 and everything the writers did wrong. But I still looked for the best in each episode and tried and find some enjoyment. What I liked about season 4 and 5 is that it was different, it was mature. I think I appreciated that these characters were growing up and we got to see them in the real world.

Glee should have ended before s6?
No, I think glee is ending where it should. A lot of season 5 episodes were dragged way out which was just horrible. But we needed season 6, it's like a season just for the fans and it's a nice goodbye. Many people say it should have ended at season 3 and after Cory died, but I do not agree. Those were just the end of the most viral parts of the show. People will appreciate how it ended when it's officially over.

"(Naya) I love her humour, her personality, her talent, just again, everything. She makes me happy. She's my world."

Who are your favorite characters/actresses?
Glee concert.
Lea/Rachel, Naya/Santana, Dianna/Quinn, Heather/Brittany, Becca/Kitty.

The best and the worst of Dianna:
I love everything about her. She is everything I want to be as a person. I set out to be like her and have her kind heart. She is gonna take over Hollywood and we need more people like her in the world. I could go on for pages about everything amazing about her. The only negatives is we don't see much of her other than when she's doing projects. I also wish she hang out more Lea. I miss their friendship.

The annoying thing with Naya was back in the Big Sean days. But thank God that's all over. I don't like when she wears too much makeup and it sucks she doesn't tweet anymore. I love her humour, her personality, her talent, just again, everything. She makes me happy. She's my world.

I guess the worst with Lea is she can get a little annoying at times, not in a bad way of course, but where she constantly tweets about being fit etc, and who she hangs out with and how she doesn't hang much with the other cast at times. But there are too many things I love about her. Her talent, her positive energy, it's hard to say cause she's kinda my whole life.

"Dianna wanting to do more movies and Heather having a baby it affects their characters"

Do you think the cast's personal lifes affected Glee storylines?
Maybe in some ways, like little things. But on the bigger scale, no. Well, I mean I guess with Dianna wanting to do more movies and Heather having a baby it affects their characters and as a whole it changes the show 'cause they were fan favourites.

What do you think it happened to Riverchele? (Lea-Naya friendship)
I don't know, I think they just grew apart like many other friendships in the cast. I think they just get busy doing different things and grow apart.

Do you think the rumours were true?
Not for a second.

Opinion on Becca's and Lea relationship?
I LOVE IT! It's my new favourite thing. It sucks not having much Achele, Monchele or Heya anymore, so this kinda makes up for it.

"(Brittana) They have the best chemistry and most real relationship. (...) They're the only couple I see living their life with each other 'till their final breath."

Why do you like Brittana?
The funny thing is, when I found out their characters were gonna be a thing and Santana was gay I was upset, 'cause I loved her being the maneater and their friendship was my favourite. I grew to love them more and more each season. They have the best chemistry and most real relationship. They may not have as many scenes as Klaine, and the writers may have not treated them fairly, but I love how they wrote them. Santana and Brittany are different when they are alone together. They bring out the best in each other and are the most healthier relationship on the show. They're the only couple on the show besides Wemma I see being endgame, like living their life with each other 'till their final breath.

Opinions on the ship war between Brittana and Klaine? 
Still from Michael. S3 EP11.
It's annoying. Someone from each fandom will hate on the other ship and the rest will get involved. I only get a part of it when I see hate on my timeline. I take it seriously. I think people get passionate. I think it's nice as long as they don't get nasty and hurtful. 

What do you think of Klainers?
I don't have an opinion on them as a whole. Some of them are lovely and some of them are really rude. I follow a lot of them and anyone who gets nasty just gets blocked.

What do you think of Klaine as a couple?
I used to ship them in season 2/3. Then they started to get more and more screen time and basically took over the show and kinda rubbed in our faces. They just keep showing that they're not mean't to be endgame and it's kinda depressing that they are. They've become so toxicLike the amount of times they've broken up over the silliest things. They've shown they couldn't even live together so how do they expect to get married. They're also always in competition with each other instead of just supporting the other. I could write a paragraph on why I stopped shipping them over the years, but basically I think Kurt deserves someone better.

"Viewers didn't sign up for his shit, and yet they shove him  (Blaine) down our throats"

How do you feel about Blaine?
Blaine was an amazing character in season 2, then, he took over the show and it became a joke. He isn't lead character material and he's obnoxious and gets everything handed to him. The Puppet Master episode is the best example. It's hard to explain because basically everything about him annoys me. Viewers didn't sign up for his shit, and yet they shove him down our throats. The ratings have gone way down and the writers just don't get it. At one point there he was getting everything handed to him. He got into NYADA like that even though they rejected Jesse, Kurt and Elliot. Not to mention how Tina and Artie gave up Valedictorian and it went straight to Blaine. I mean... it just became a joke.

Why you said Sam was one of the most hated characters?
Because he moves from girl to girl and can just be offensive. Not to mention he is one of the dullest characters and was not lead material. He's better this season, but in S4/5 he was just annoying. He claims to be in love with every girl. His just... ugh. He kinda changed personality, along with Blaine and Tina.

How did you feel when the Blaine/Sam interaction happens during s4 and 5?
It just bored me. Like I no longer looked forward to the episodes like I used to. I feel so negative with all these questions...

"I never had many friends, I have been bullied before and , and it's this show that got me through the thick and thin in that time."

What did you think of The Hurt Locker episode?
I thought it kinda let down the rest of season 6. It didn't have the same quality. It's hard to say cause it is a Part 1. And the second half looks much better. But they tried too hard to make it funny and it was just a bit over the top. Like the Sue shipping Klaine thing was just a joke. She's tried to destroy them over the years and it was a cheap shot to get them together. I felt like it was only really for Klainers. Like I would have rather watched the newbies and their storylines. Also, it focused mainly on DaLeaStreet in which most of the fandom hate.  

Do you think daleastreet is PR?
No, I don't believe in the PR stuff like everyone else. I just don't like it. It feels like they're forcing it down our throats. They don't have... I don't know. It's just nothing. Like you have the cast members you freak out over when they're together and the ones you just don't. Mainly we miss Lea's friendship with the girls, which she kinda stopped and just stuck to the guys and it was kinda annoying. But we're getting so much Tobinchele now and DaLeaStreet isn't as bad as it was last year so I'm over it. I'm just annoyed at the constant Sam/Blaine/Rachel/Kurt dynamic on glee. Like if you look at their group numbers vs the unholy trinity etc... the views shows who is the favourite. It's RIB's biggest mistake. Who the show focuses on is what I miss most about S1-3.

Can you tell me how much Glee has helped you?
Glee has been my life for 6 years. It has been my happy place. I would not give up being in this fandom, I love supporting the cast and will continue to do so many years after the show ends. It has given me more confidence, happiness, and when i'm in a dark time in my life I like know I can log into Twitter, watch some scenes on Youtube, or listen to their music and I will feel all my stress leave my body. I love the people i've met through this show. This show started when I was 13 and will finish when i'm 19. It has literally been my entire adolescence. I grew up with these characters and related to their problems. I never had many friends in school, I was very quite and just sorta kept to myself, I have been bullied before and had an almost falling out with my family, and it's this show that got me through the thick and thin in that time. This show has helped me in more ways than one, it's been that light in my life, my happy place, and nothing could change that.

Thank you very much for reading. I want to thank Jenna again, for all her time, it's been hours, seriously, and time zones are a bitch, but together we made a good interview. Hope you all liked it. If you wanna read more go to the interview hashtag. See you next friday!

Interview: @GleeIsAllIneed

Read it in english
Leerla en español

Paloma in The OTH convention.
Paloma is a 17 year old girl  who lives in Ceuta (Or Narnia as she likes to call it) and is in her senior year in High School. She loves to watch tv series; her favorites are: One Tree Hill, Glee, The Vampire Diaries, Lost, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy and The Good Wife; she likes going to the movies, watch all the television awards and to travel abroad, she has been in New York, Washington, Paris, England, Amsterdam, Belgium and Morocco. She thinks she's very sarcastic, honest and direct. Although at first impression she may seem shy and weird.

Paloma es una chica de 17 años que vive en Ceuta (O Narnia como le gusta llamarle) y está en 2do de Bachillerato. Le encanta ver series; sus favoritas son: One Tree hill, Glee, The Vampire Diaries, Lost, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy y The Good Wife; ir al cine, ver todos los premios de la televisión y viajar, ha estado en New York, Washington, París, Inglaterra varias ciudades, Amsterdam, Bélgica y Marruecos. Ella piensa que es muy sarcástica, sincera y directa. Aunque a primera impresión pueda parecer tímida y rara.

"Glee will always mean something to me, I could relate to many stories but as the seasons passed it no longer gave me that feeling."

When did you start to watch glee? What did you like?
When it aired on Fox Spain, I liked the promo. At first, the pilot seemed normal and I enjoyed that but what hooked me up was the performance of Don't Stop Believin'.

¿Cuándo empezaste a ver Glee? ¿Qué te gustó?
Cuando lo estrenaron en Fox, me gustó el anuncio. Al principio, el piloto me parecía normal, me divertía y eso pero lo que me enganchó fue la performance de Don't Stop Believin'.

What do you think in general of the path of Glee?
Glee will always mean something to me, I could relate to many stories but as the seasons passed it no longer gave me that feeling. The Season 5 was fine but just to see the characters evolution. S6 so far has the glee spirit I used to like.

¿Qué opinas en general del recorrido de Glee?
Glee siempre significará algo para mí, yo lo empecé a ver porque me sentía identificada con muchas historias pero a medida que han pasado las temporadas ya no me daba esa sensación. La 5 estuvo bien pero sólo lo veo por la evolución de los personajes. En la 6 se nota que ha vuelto algo de ese espíritu que hacía identificarte.

When did you join the gleek fandom?
In the second season, in the Justin Bieber episode, I created my Twitter account before but I started following accounts during S2.

¿Cuándo te uniste al fandom gleek?
En la segunda temporada por el capítulo de Justin Bieber, me creé Twitter un poco antes pero empecé a seguir cuentas por esa época.

And when did you start to have more followers?
When S3 was finished I had about 9,000. I don't know how it happened because I still remember having 400. Right now I have 26,000 followers.

¿Y cuándo empezaste ha tener más followers?
Cuando acabó la 3 tenía unos 9.000. No sé cómo pasó porque aún me acuerdo de tener 400. En la actualidad tengo 26.000.

"Everyone is focused on their  OTP and their favorite character, it's no longer the same."

How do you see the gleek fandom from the point of view of your TL?
People used to talk a lot of Glee but now everyone is focused on their  OTP and their favorite character, it's no longer the same. I used to log into Twitter and see 839,392 tweets about Glee and now when I log in I only see some "Glee" but not Glee.

¿Cómo ves al fandom gleek desde el punto de vista de tu TL?
Antes la gente solía hablar mucho de Glee pero ahora más de la OTP y su personaje favorito, ya no es lo mismo que hace años. Antes me conectaba y habían 839392 tweets sólo de Glee ahora cuando me conecto es sobre algo de "Glee" pero no Glee.

When did you start meeting people from the fandom?
When I joined I remember I had a group of friends, today almost everyone has left, or have changed of fandom ... When I joined there weren't many people like right now. I could mention only two people that are still here from the second season:@ lea_Coryforever and @ Leamichelesuk

¿Cuándo empezaste a conocer a gente del fandom?
Cuando me uní me acuerdo que tenía un grupo de amigos, a día de hoy casi todos se fueron, o se cambiaron de fandom... Cuando yo me uní no era tan grande como es en el momento. Ahora mismo sólo te podría mencionar 2 personas que siguen aquí desde la segunda temporada: @lea_Coryforever y @ Leamichelesuk

How did you meet David?
I didn't know gleeks from Spain and some day David talked to me and helped me find gleeks in Ceuta, then in the summer I went to the hang-out of Cory in Madrid

¿Cómo conociste a David?
No conocía gleeks españoles y por Twitter me habló David y me ayudó a buscar gleeks en Ceuta, luego en verano fui a la quedada de Cory en Madrid.

And what do you think of David?
From the beginning I found him nice because he helped me and then we started talking, he has been one of my BFF on Twitter over the years ... unfortunately we haven't talked very much lately but I still consider him a good friend. If the next year I go to Madrid I will stalk him.

¿Y qué opinas de David?
Desde el principio me pareció alguien majo ya que me ayudó y luego empezamos a hablar, ha sido uno de mis BFF en Twitter durante estos años y cómplice... por desgracia hace tiempo que no hablamos pero aún lo considero un buen amigo. Aunque el año que viene si voy a Madrid le acosaré.

"I was all morning in shock and I had to go for a friend at the airport, there were some girls talking about it and then I began to cry"

Have you changed your opinion about Lea compared to the previous ones?
As a role model it hasn't changed, but Lea used to be more social with fans and that, she tweeted very much about personal things that made you feel closer to her. Now her tweets are more limited and isn't the same. It's all promotion, but I still adore her.

Twitter de Lea.
¿Ha cambiado tu opinión de Lea en la actualidad comparado a la anterior?
Como modelo no ha cambiado, pero antes Lea solía ser más social con los fans y eso, tuiteaba mucho más y cosas personales que te hacían sentirte más cerca a ella. Ahora sus tweets son más limitados y ya no es lo mismo. Es más publicidad, pero aún la adoro.

What did you think of Monchele?
I liked them both separately and as many I dreamed of them being together. I'm in the Monchele fandom, so seeing their entire relationship was a dream. I fangirled with each photo and moment. Twitter is not the same without those moments.

¿Qué opinabas de Monchele?
Me gustaban mucho los dos por separado, y como muchos soñaba con que estuvieran juntos. Estoy en el fandom desde el primer momento Monchele, así que ver toda su relación fue un sueño. Fangirleé con cada foto y momento. Twitter ya no es lo mismo sin esos momentos

Do you remember the day of Cory's death?
I woke up and had like 7 calls and messages from friends saying to call them whenever I read them, but like there was a party last night and I didn't attend to it, I thought it would be about the party. I always go to Twitter to see what happens before answering messages and when I logged I saw two people talking about Cory dead, I thought it was a joke or something, but then I went to my mentions and read tweets from other fandoms saying "I'm sorry". Then I tweeted: "What the fuck is going on?" and I began to answer people ... I was all morning in shock and I had to go for a friend at the airport, there were some girls talking about it and then I began to cry ... I didn't know what  would people think of me...

¿Recuerdas del día del fallecimiento de Cory?
Me levanté y tenía como unas 7 llamadas y mensajes de amigos diciendo que les llamara cuando lo leyera, pero como la noche anterior había una fiesta a la que no fui, así que pensé que sería algo de la fiesta. Siempre me voy a Twitter a ver qué pasa antes de contestar a mensajes, cuando me conecté vi a dos personas hablando de Cory muerto en letras mayúsculas y me creía que sería una broma o algo, pero cuando fui a menciones leí tweets de otros fandoms diciéndome " I'm sorry". Luego tuiteé que qué coño estaba pasando y me empezó a contestar la gente... Estuve toda la mañana en shock y tenía que ir a por una amiga en el aeropuerto, había unas chicas hablado de ello y ahí me eché a llorar...a saber como me miraría la gente...

"I don't get it, they use Cory's death to gain attention and followers"

What do you think of people who constantly tweet about Cory?
I'm going to be brutally honest. I understand that there are people who occasionally tweet about him, and I accept that because I know they were fans of him, some other fans of Cory have left the fandom unfortunately. But there are some accounts that weren't here before the Cory's issue and suddenly everyone was the biggest fan of Cory, I don't get it, they use Cory to gain attention and followers. And there's this girl who wasn't in the fandom and after his death she became "the biggest fan of Cory" she lies more than tweets. I can not understand people like that, because if you were such a fan of Cory, where were you when he was alive? Sorry I don't want to star a war but believe me people know this girl, she's from NY. I can't remember her name but David probably does. Unfortunately that's why many people  mention Cory.

¿Qué opinas de la gente que tuitea constantemente sobre Cory?
Voy a ser brutalmente sincera. Hay gente que entiendo que twittee de vez en cuando porque yo sé que eran fans de él y otros fans de Cory ya se fueron del fandom por desgracia. Pero hay algunas cuentas que antes eran de otra cosa y que de pronto se hacen los mayores fans de Cory, eso no lo entiendo porque para mí usan a Cory para ganar atención y followers. Y ya no te cuento de cierta cuenta que no estaba en el fandom y tras su muerte  es "La mayor fan de Cory" que miente más que tuitea. No puedo entender la gente así, porque si fueses tan fan de Cory, ¿dónde estabas cuando estaba vivo? Lo siento no quiero guerra pero créeme que la gente lo sabe, es una chica de NY. No recuerdo el nombre pero David seguro se acuerda. Por desgracia mucha gente sólo menciona a Cory por eso.

What do you think of Matt and his relationship with Lea? 

I don't know him and I don't find him attractive but everyone has their tastes. If Lea is happy I'm happy for her too, but if I don't ship them it's not because I don't like them together but because after seeing her with Cory from the beginning it's difficult to have a new real "OTP". Not that I don't like them is just that I don't ship them, unfortunately there are many people who think you are a hater if you don't ship them. I can't go from being super fan of Monchele to Paetzchele in a second.

¿Qué opinas de Matt y de su relación con Lea?
A Matt no le conozco y no lo encuentro atractivo pero cada uno tiene sus gustos. Si Lea esta feliz me alegro por ella mucho, pero si no los shippeo no es que no me gusten juntos es que después de verla con Cory desde el principio es difícil tener una nueva "OTP" real. No es que no me gusten sólo que no los shippeo, por desgracia hay mucha gente que piensan que eres un hater si no los shippeas. Yo no puedo pasar de ser súper fan de Monchele a Paetzchele en un segundo.

What you can not stand of what people do?
That some people call Lea "Mum" is super CREEPY, sorry but it's true. You already have a mother so: Why do you call Lea Mum?

¿Qué no soportas que haga la gente?
Que llamen a Lea "Mum" es súper CREEPY, lo siento pero es cierto. Ya tienes una madre así que: ¿Por qué llamas a Lea Mum?

The episode of today is about Samchel today, How do you feel?
The Hurt Locker GLEE S6EP04
I don't hate them but they're neither the ship of my dreams, it seems a little bad to me  but I don't know if it will last, so for now we'll see what happens. And I hope Sam gets a proper relationship, the next may be Sue (jokes). I think he should return with Mercedes because it was something serious and I liked the way they made it, very realistic. 

El capítulo de hoy es Samchel, ¿qué piensas?
No les tengo odio pero tampoco es que me haga ilusión, me parece un poco mal que los junten pero no se sabe si durada así que por ahora voy a ver que pasa. Y a Sam espero que le den una relación sería porque a este ritmo la siguiente es SUE (Bromea). Yo creo que tendría que volver con Mercedes porque fue algo serio y me gustó como lo hicieron, realista.

And what do you expect from the season finale?
For now I still hope that Ryan give us the end we deserve, something exciting and not to leave us like "WTF?". I've always imagined seeing a performance of everyone in the auditorium with scenes of each one member of the Glee Club. Maybe Rachel 

on Broadway again, or winning an award, and the last scene in the Choir Room of Mr.Schue turning off the lights.

¿Qué esperas del final de temporada?
Yo por ahora aún confió en que Ryan sabrá darnos el final que nos merecemos, algo emocionante y que no nos deje como "what the fuck?". Yo siempre me he imaginado ver una performance de todos en el auditorio con escenas de cada uno. Quizás Rachel otra vez en broadway, o ganando un premio y la última escena Mr.  Schue en el Choir Room apagando las luces.

Do you think Ryan doesn't care about Glee anymore? Why Ryan does not speak of Glee?
Ryan's defect is that when he starts a new tv show he forgets about the others, it happened with Glee and I think it will the same with AHS, but I hope, that since it's the last season, he'll give us what we deserve. 
Let's face it: Ryan doesn't tweet anything about Glee because people will send him hate and I think Ryan's already tired.

¿Piensas que a Ryan Glee le da igual ya?
El defecto de Ryan es que cuando empieza una nueva serie se olvida de las otras, lo pudimos comprobar con Glee y creo que pasará lo mismo con AHS pero confió en que ya que es la final nos de lo que merecemos. Porque seamos sinceros, a Ryan por cualquier cosa de Glee que vaya a tuitear alguno le enviará hate y yo creo que Ryan ya se ha candado.

Can you explain everything that Glee has brought you these years?
First it has helped me to accept a lot of things about myself and no longer be ashamed of me, just don't care what people say. And also to believe in myself and that I can achieve anything if I work hard. And to never give up.

¿Puedes explicar todo lo que te ha aportado Glee estos años?
Primero me ha ayudado a aceptar mucha cosas de mí misma y a no tener vergüenza, más bien pasar de lo que digan de mí. También a creer en mí misma y que puedo conseguir lo que quiera si me lo propongo. A no rendirme.

Excited for the Glee Convention?
Of course!!! We'll have the time of our lives. I won't be able to talk to Lea due to my nerves, probably I'll thank her and say I love her, if I do not pass out before.

 ¿Emocionada por la Glee Convention?
¡¡CLARO!!! Nos lo vamos a pasar de muerte. Si no me desmayó antes, algo le diré a Lea, supongo que no seré capaz de decirle mucho por los nervios, darle las gracias y decir que la quiero.

Desde el blog quiero agradecer la participación de Paloma ¡Muchas gracias!

Interview: @MrDavidMichele

Read it in english.
Leer en español.

David is a 18 years old boy who lives in Madrid and studies Production and realization of media and entertainment. He loves hanging out with friends, music, films and tv shows: His favorites are Glee, Arrow, Orange Is The New Black, Once Upon A Time and American Horror Story. He likes the music of Lea Michele, Sia, Demi Lovato, Coldplay, One Republic, The Fray and more. David is an optimistic, confident and outgoing boy who makes the most of time and loves to meet new people.

David es un chico de 18 años que vive en Madrid y estudia Producción y realización de medios audiovisuales y espectáculos. Le encanta salir con los amigos, le apasiona la música, el cine y las series: Sus favoritas son Glee, Arrow, Orange Is The New Black, Once Upon A Time y American Horror Story. Escucha la música de Lea Michele, Sia, Demi Lovato, Coldplay, One Republic, The Fray entre otros. David se ve como una persona optimista, segura y extrovertida, que exprime al máximo el tiempo y al que le encanta conocer gente nueva.

"Glee is the series of my life, and although today is not like it used to be, it's still my Glee."

"Glee para mí sigue siendo la serie de mi vida, y aunque a día de hoy no sea igual que al principio, sigue siendo mi Glee."

When and why did you start to watch Glee?
I began to watch it the first time it aired on a tv channel called Neox. I watched the promos and it caught my attention. I didn't know why, but I knew this show was going to bring me something big into my life.

¿Cuándo y por qué empezaste a ver Glee?

Empecé a verla la primera vez que se emitió en Neox. Estuve viendo durante unos días los anuncios y me llamó mucho la atención. No sé por qué, pero sabía que esa serie iba a aportarme algo grande a mi vida.

What did you like most about it?
Everything. It was something totally new for me, but definitely the character of Rachel Berry's what I liked the most.

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó o llamó la atención?

Todo. Era algo totalmente nuevo para mí, aunque sin duda el personaje de Rachel Berry fue lo que más me gustó.

Do you have the same opinion about Glee now?
Glee has changed, sometimes for the better and others worse. I have a special fondness for the third season, in fact, at the end of it, I thought Glee was over, giving Rachel the opportunity to fulfill her dream. With the fourth season all changed, new characters and problems inside and outside the fandom. Glee is the tv show of my life, and although today is not like it used to be, it's still my Glee.

¿Sigues pensando lo mismo de glee que cuando lo empezaste a ver?

Glee ha ido cambiando, unas veces a mejor y otras a peor. Tengo un cariño especial por la tercera temporada, de hecho, al acabar, pensé que Glee había acabado, dando a Rachel la oportunidad de cumplir su sueño. Con la cuarta todo cambió, nuevos personajes y problemas dentro y fuera del fandom. Glee para mí sigue siendo la serie de mi vida, y aunque a día de hoy no sea igual que al principio, sigue siendo mi Glee.

What do you think of the S4?
I sort of liked to see the characters grow and face real life, I loved it. The great failure of the S4 was to give more importance to the new ones instead of the original.

¿Qué opinas de la S4?

En cierto modo me gustó ver a los personajes crecer y afrontar la vida real, me encantó. El gran fallo de la S4 fue darle más importancia a los nuevos que a los originales.

And S5?
It was a rare compared with others seasons, but I enjoyed. Things of the previous seasons returned and that is something I appreciate. Unfortunately Cory's loss marked a before and after in Glee.

¿Y La S5?

Fue un tanto rara con respecto a otras temporadas, pero la disfruté mucho. Muchas cosas de las temporadas anteriores volvieron y es algo que agradezco. Desgraciadamente la pérdida de Cory marcó un antes y un después en Glee.

What is your opinion about the S6 so far?
It's really surprising me. It reminds me of the early seasons, it's all we've ever asked for. I have great expectations for the end of the series.

¿Cómo ves de momento la S6?

Me está sorprendiendo demasiado. Me recuerda mucho a las primeras temporadas, es todo lo que siempre hemos pedido. Tengo grandes expectativas para el final de la serie.

"I thought it was a joke, but when I saw the video of the Canadian police I had to accept that it was real."

"Pensé que era una broma, pero cuando vi el vídeo de la policía de Canadá tuve que aceptar que era de verdad."

Cory en Ellen. Diciembre de 2012.

When you started liking Lea and Cory?

I started to ship Finchel from the first moment I saw them, I knew they were meant for each other. They were the perfect couple. I always knew there was something between them, you only had to see them. By the time I found out about Monchele, I couldn't react, my heart was going crazy. I liked everything about them, the way they looked at each other, their jokes ... they were adorable. It was officially confirmed in 2012, but to us, Monchele shippers, we didn't need it, we knew it all along. Although Cory made it official when he went to Ellen.

¿Cuándo te empezaron a gustar Lea y Cory? 

Empecé a shipear Finchel desde el primer momento en que los vi, sabía que estaban hechos el uno para el otro. Eran la pareja perfecta. Siempre supe que había algo entre ellos, solo había que verles. En el momento en que me enteré sobre Monchele no podía reaccionar, mi corazón iba a mil por hora. Me gustaba todo sobre ellos, la forma en que se miraban, sus bromas... Eran adorables. Se confirmó oficialmente a principios de 2012, aunque a nosotros, los Monchele shippers, no nos hizo falta, lo supimos todo el tiempo. Aunque Cory lo hizo oficial cuando fue a Ellen.

How was it and how did you feel the day of Cory's death?
I woke up and began to see hundreds of messages on WhatsApp about Cory. When I read everything I couldn't believe it, I thought it was a joke, but when I saw the video of the Canadian Police I had to accept that it was true. My mind couldn't assimilate it. The first thing that came into my mind were the images of Lea and Ann (Cory's mother). I got into Twitter and it was very sad. To read all the tweets and all those people suffering because we had lost our idol, it was really hard. We relied on each other. It was painful and comforting at the same time, I was not alone and we knew all the gleeks had to come together to get over it.

¿Cómo fue y cómo te sentiste el  día del fallecimiento de Cory?

Me levanté y empecé a ver en WhatsApp cientos de mensajes sobre Cory. Cuando entré y leí todo no podía creerlo, pensé que era una broma, pero cuando vi el vídeo de la policía de Canadá tuve que aceptar que era de verdad. Mi mente no podía asimilarlo. Lo primero que se me vino a la cabeza fueron las imágenes de Lea y de Ann (La madre de Cory). Me metí en Twitter y era muy triste. Ver todos los tweets y toda esa gente sufriendo porque había perdido a su ídolo, era realmente duro. Todos nos apoyábamos. Era doloroso y reconfortante al mismo tiempo, no me sentía solo y sabía que todos los gleeks tendríamos que unirnos para pasar esto juntos.

Do you remember the first anniversary?
The atmosphere was different that day. We made a lot trends and I spent all the day sending tweets about it. It was the first time I smiled remembering something from Cory. That day we had hung out with the gleeks of Madrid, where we made a memorial to him and remember the good times. Many of us, myself included, cried, at least we knew we could count on each other. That day was good for everyone. Today it still hurts.

¿Recuerdas cuando se cumplió el primer año?

El ambiente era diferente aquel día. Hicimos trends y pasé todo el día poniendo tweets sobre él. Era de las primeras veces que sonreía al recordar algo de Cory. Ese día tuvimos una quedada los Gleeks de Madrid, donde le homenajeamos y recordamos los buenos momentos. Muchos de nosotros, yo incluído, volvimos a llorar, pero al menos sabíamos que podíamos contar con los demás. Ese día nos vino bien a todos. A día de hoy sigue doliendo pero todos le recordamos.

"When it was confirmed that Lea and Matt were a couple, no one could believe."
"Cuando se confirmó que Lea y Matt eran pareja, nadie se lo podía creer."

How did your opinion about Lea change?
Lea en Ellen. Diciembre de 2013.
I saw the real Lea, who is strong and can handle everything life throws at her. I was surprised at how she handled it and how supportive the cast was. Ryan gave Lea the opportunity to postpone Glee a year and she refused and said she needed to work and be surrounded by people who were going through the same. That says a lot of her. I couldn't be prouder.

¿Cómo cambió tu opinión sobre Lea a partir de eso?

Me hizo verla como la verdadera persona que es, fuerte y que puede con todo lo que le echen encima. Me sorprendió la forma con la que llevó todo este asunto y en cómo se apoyó en el cast. Ryan le dio a Lea la oportunidad de posponer Glee un año y ella lo rechazó y dijo que necesitaba trabajar y estar rodeada de las personas que estaban pasando por lo mismo. Eso dijo mucho de ella. No podría estar más orgulloso.

What do you think of the relationship between Matt and Lea?
They are a great couple, it will never compare to the one she had with Cory, but if Matt makes Lea happy then it makes me happy. I'm glad that Lea has found someone to lean on, she deserves it more than anyone.
Lea y Matt en Italia de vacaciones.

¿Qué opinas de la relación de Matt y Lea?

Hacen muy buena pareja, nunca podrá igualar a la de Cory y Lea , pero si Matt hace feliz a Lea me lo hace a mí. Me alegro de que Lea haya encontrado una persona en la que apoyarse, se lo merece más que nadie

Was it too early?
When it was confirmed that Lea and Matt were a couple, no one could believe it. In my opinion no one can tell anyone when someone is ready to date again, it's just something that happens. Lea is young and deserves to be happy.

¿Fue my temprano?

Cuando se confirmó que Lea y Matt eran pareja, nadie se lo podía creer. En mi opinión nadie puede decir cuándo alguien está preparado para volver a tener una relación o no, simplemente es algo que pasa. Lea es joven, tiene toda la vida por delante y merece ser feliz.

"Glee is a source of culture and knowledge for people, in 50 years people will still be talking about Glee"

"Glee es una fuente de cultura y conocimiento para la gente, dentro de 50 años la gente seguirá hablando de Glee"

Finally: How did Glee help you?
I could be here for years telling you how much Glee has taught me. It has opened a whole new world to me, they taught me to fight for everything I want, to never give up, to love myself  and respect everyone, the value of friendship and that two people can love each other  no matter what their sexuality is.  Glee is a way of life, and I am grateful for all that this series has given to us, it has taught us many values and things that we didn't know, and that we'll always carry with us. Glee is not a tv show, is a source of culture and knowledge for people, I'm sure that in 50 years people will continue talking about Glee and how it influenced on their lives. Good things are never forgotten.

Para terminar: ¿Cómo te ha ayudado Glee personalmente?

Podría estar aquí años diciéndote lo mucho que Glee me ha enseñado. Me ha abierto un mundo totalmente nuevo, me enseñó a luchar por todo aquello que quiera, a nunca darme por vencido, a quererme por como soy y a respetar a todo el mundo, el valor de la amistad y que dos personas pueden amarse sean del sexo que sean. En definitiva, Glee es un modo de vida, y estoy muy agradecido por todo lo que esta serie nos ha aportado, nos ha enseñado muchos valores y cosas que desconocíamos, y eso lo llevaremos siempre con nosotros. Glee no es una serie más, es una fuente de cultura y conocimiento para la gente, estoy seguro que dentro de 50 años la gente seguirá hablando de Glee y de cómo influyó en sus vidas. Las buenas cosas nunca se olvidan.

I wanna thank my good friend David for this amazing interview, for being so kind and for participate, thank you very much!
If you wanna keep reading go to hashtag: interview.

Quiero agradecer a mi buen amigo David por esta increíble entrevista, por abrirse conmigo y participar, ¡muchas gracias!
Si queréis seguir leyendo id a la etiqueta: entrevista.