Interview: @mydarrencriss

Sydney is a 16 years old girl from New Jersey, she's in high school. Her hobbies are fangirling, reading and being on Twitter, she  likes to try new things. On a serious matter she's been a dancer for 14 years, ballet is her life. Her favorite books are The Hunger Games, her favorite shows are Glee and Smash and she also likes reality tv like Dance Moms. Her favorite fanfics are basically all Klaine, some good titles ares: "Go Your Own Way" and "Sideways", but she loves nonfiction books as well, mostly about physiology.  
She lives in New Jersey, very close to New York City and it gives her so many opportunities to see and meet her idols when she can, and there they have the actual seasons they get the sunny days and snowy days. She thinks she's young but she is certain that living in America is great, she's never been out of the country and doesn't really plan to.
She defines herself as a very nice, calm person, who doesn't like crowded or loud places, she doesn't think she's shy but independent. She also admits she is sassy. 
But how do people think she is? "People I know and go to school with know I'm a good and kind person as for my Twitter account people seem to see me as an attention seeker or a hater but that is not the case, people judge too much on social media."
Her dreams are simple, she wants to be successful in life, go to college, graduate and find a job as a dentist.  Her goals are more simple like meeting her idol (Darren Criss), which she has achieved. "I met him at the Fox Fanfront last May, it was really quick, we took a selfie." 

"Music creates a fun vibe even when the storylines aren't as great as they were"

When you started with Glee?
I was young, if I'm not mistaking, 12 or 13. My mom used to watch the show and I remember the first scene I saw, was Rachel singing Gives You Hell it seemed interesting but I didn't fully start watching until the beginning of season 2, I thank my friends for that cause they were obsessed. My friends used to watch it but stopped after season 2, sadly I have no friends who watch it anymore. 

What did you like the most?
I loved the music, if you like any show out there, it creates a fun vibe even when the storylines aren't as great as they were, I wasn't really following glee in season 1 so I can't say.

What's the difference between now and then?
Glee use to have amazing storylines, each character almost equally had the same amount of attention, the fandom was so fun and happy and the show was so inspring. However now glee seems to only focus on relationships and screwing up good ones.

Promotional photo for Glee S5

Had Finchel more time than others?
Finchel as a relationship yes. They were the main couple since season 1. I understand why, they were my main ship for a while but I do believe their attention was unfair to others, they had over 75 kiss scenes Klaine has had 17.

"I prefer to just stick with Klainers but even some of them are so judgmental. In the end we love Klaine and have no regrets."

Do you consider yourself a Gleek or just a Klainer?  
That's a hard question. I love Glee, so I guess that makes me a gleek. I use to watch Glee for everything but now it's only for Klaine so I guess I'm more of just a Klainer. 

What do you think of the Glee fandom?
The fandom is hateful, rude and honestly gross. I don't like it. People are nasty and don't understand everyone has opinions. 

And the Klaine one?
I love us, we've gone through so much this season and so much in the past, we fangirl over the littlest things and that's what makes us so amazing. I prefer to just stick with Klainers but even some of them are so judgmental. People have disagreements but nothing major. In the end we love Klaine and have no regrets.

What do you think of Darren?
Darren! Ah where do I beging, Darren's basically my favorite person on this planet, he's my idol and I spend most of my time fangirling over him. I've loved him for years and my opinions will never change: he's an amazing, talented, humble man.  Darren just has this spark to him and I don't even know how to explain. He can do so much like no one else can.  

When you started liking Kurt? And Chris?
As soon as I started watching. He stood out to me in a good way plus I adore Chris Colfer. I love him, he's such an inspiration and is beautiful inside and out. He's so funny and dorky and it's perfect. Over the years he has gotten slightly more serious but I love him just as much if not more everyday. 

"I think their break ups is what makes them so realistic, love isn't all happy. Klaine are young they are going to make mistakes"

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Why do you like Klaine?
What's there not to like? Kurt and Blaine are amazing characters and together they are unstoppable. I love for example when Kurt went to spy on Dalton, I saw a connection between them right away. I love how they always support each other like in Prom Queen and Kurt was elected the queen and in Movin' Out when Kurt helped Blaine with NYADA. Their love is so strong and endless.  

If their love is so strong, why they broke up twice: It was because of the writers or Klaine?
Well it was the writers, but I think their break ups is what makes them so realistic, love isn't all happy. Klaine are young they are going to make mistakes like every couple does but they learn from those mistakes and become stronger.  

Who do you think cares more about their relationship?
I think they equally do, but in different ways. Blaine's the type to give big gestures and Kurt's the type who shows his love in simple ways.

Has Klaine any flaws?
They are human, we all have flaws. Sometimes they have trouble with fighting over little things but don't we all have our snarky moody sides. 

"(Santana) She's a bully who never has a nice word. (Brittany) she's just there being dumb"

What's your opinion of Blam (as a romance and friendship)?
I stated of disliking Blam because it honestly came out of no where and we got a lot more of them than Klaine in season 4 but I've grown to love them, they are such good friends. Blaine had a crush because he needed a place to put his feelings after his breakup with Kurt and I love how cool Sam was about it. But that's long over and I think the will be good friends for life.

And Brittana?
Everyone's knows I don't like them. I don't find the relationship serious or inspiring, they are two bullies who verbally harass everyone and I don't support bullies. 

What about Santana?
I don't like her. She's a bully who never has a nice word to say and people excuse her actions cause "she's hot" but I don't. People say she's changed but she hasn't, apologizing and doing the same thing the next episode isn't change.   

And Brittany?
Don't find any significance to her she's just there being dumb.  It sounds rude, just my opinions.

Blaine gets tons of love and hate. What's your opinion?
People love BLAINE because he's amazing he's this big ball of sunshine, people hate Blaine because he sings a lot which I don't get because Glee is a show about singing. People say BLAINE has everything but he has yet to have a storyline to himself. Also he gets hate for his cheating but let's be real what character hasn't cheated? 

Speaking of cheating: Was Santana's reason to break up any good?
No, she basically broke up with Brittany so she can go hit on other girls.  (About Dantana) Never got into things that involve Santana.

"Brittana fans hate on Klaine for a lot of false reasons, but yes, jealously plays a role in that of course"

Why do you think people like them?
I think people like them because they like Naya and Heather and people dislike them for the same reasons I do.   They have amazing talent and seem very kind hearted. Naya has done things in the past that have bothered me but she's not a bad person.

Why do you think Brittana shippers hate on Klaine?
Jealously, Klaine have gotten so much and people of other fandoms became jealous.  Brittana fans hate on Klaine for a lot of false reasons, but yes, jealously plays a role in that of course

Did they help the LGTBQ community?
I can't speak for everyone but in general they have, of course, I can't speak for everyone but in general they have, Especially Klaine.  

Do you ship Crisscolfer?
No, I love their friendship, which is what they are friends. Not really, would they be cute? of course, but Darren's not gay and I love him for who he is.

Do you like Miarren?
Yes, I love them, they've been together for so long and that says a lot about how happy they are. Mia seems amazing and doesn't deserve any hate, people can't judge a person they don't know. 

"People hate me (...) Tweeting my opinions on my account doesn't make me want attention it's me expressing my opinions "

When did you create your Twitter account? When your popularity grew?
In 2011, during Glee season 3.  I started off as a Dianna Agron/Glee account and slowly gained followers. I say my account grew in 2013 when it was/still is a Darren account, and when I started tweeting about him and Klaine.  Of course I love Dianna, my love for Darren just took over.

People either like you or hate you: What do you think?
I guess people like this account because I'm such a Darren/Chris/Klaine stan and tweet about them non stop and people hate me (which I don't how since they don't know me) because I tweet what I want and don't have filter.

Do you seek attention?
I get told this so much, that I tweet for attention and I never understand it. Who's attention would I be trying to get. Tweeting my opinions on my account doesn't make me want attention it's me expressing my opinions on my own turf.

Glee S06EP08
What do you expect from A Wedding?
Though I always wanted Klaine to have their own wedding and I don't like Brittana, I think the episode will be amazing for both ships.

Why are they keeping Klaine's wedding as a secret?
I'm not sure because Klaine is a big deal and it will gain them views for promotion but surprises are super fun.  

Excited for Darren's last news?
Always excited for Darren news that's a fact. I'm so excited for Darren on Broadway, he's going to be amazing and I get to see him and I'm going to sob.

How do you think Glee will end?
I think it will end with all the characters in Ohio in a few years and being successful. I don't want it to end. 

Glee changed your life?
I honestly can't say glee changed my life for me it's just a show I enjoy to watch, but it has taught me a lot and it has brought me happiness for the past 6 years.

Well, another week more. I was really excited for this interview with Sydney and I wanna thank her again for being a part of it. Hope you all enjoy today's episode!

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