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@KlaineDreamLove |
"Glee is, for most people, only about ships, how much they hate the storylines and all these fights"
When and why did you start watching Glee? What did you like the most?
I started watching Glee when the first season started in Germany because the promo was so big and it was always labeled as "the TV hit from America" so I just had to watch it. From the first episode I loved how they were not the top of the school. It was the first real show that was about outcasts and I loved that so much. I could identify myself with them and their problems that's what I liked the most and made me keep watching it
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Main ships (Faberry is missed in this though) |
What do you think are the differences between watching Glee then and now?
From S1- S2 we all just watched it because we really liked it and it cheered us up but in the middle of season 2 it all turned and now Glee is, for most people, only about ships, how much they hate the storylines and all these fights. Most of the people in the fandom are focused on their ship and if an episode doesn't revolve around it they get really mad. It also changed after Cory's passing because after that Glee and the fandom changed and watching Glee became different because, a big part is missing.
How Glee changed your life?
Glee definitely changed my life by saving it. They helped me through a really really tough time and I don't know where I would be without them today. I always hold on to the actors, mostly to Chris and Darren, when it got really hard. They made me realize that being different is not bad. And they also made me obsessed over two fictional characters.
"We are a really strong, funny, creative but also a very dramatic family"
So what is the message do you get from it?
It used to be that being different isn't bad and that you should be proud of who you are and that you should work hard to archive your dreams and never let anyone tell you that you can't achieve them... but it changed over the last two seasons and there isn't really a message it's just about ships and storylines that are not even realistic.
Where do I even start? Like Rachel's TV show. That was the worst thing I've ever seen no one should have ever let something like this even be filmed. Everything Sue does as a principal because most of it is illegal and she would be in jail by now, Blaine in a relationship with Karofsky I don't think I need to say why that is unrealistic.
What is the Glee fandom like?
I would say it's a really complicated fandom. We all have our favorite actors, ships and characters and some people in the fandom don't agree with each other so there are a lot of fights, but nothing less we are always there for each other when something happens, like after Cory's passing. We all held on to each other and we were a big family that supported each other. We are a really strong, funny, creative but also a very dramatic family.
"(Klaine) They are completely perfect for each other because they accept each other for who they are (...) They got haters because they got the main couple on Glee"
Who are your favorite characters?
Kurt and Blaine without a doubt
I fell in love with Kurt in S1. I just love all of him. He is so brave and strong even after all the bullshit he had to go through. I love his sarcasm and how he snaps at most people but how he is still good at heart and his family and friends are always first for him. Then in S2 Blaine came and I just fell in love with him the minute he was on screen like half million other people. I love how dapper and cute he is with his bow ties and how he is, like Kurt, really brave and strong after all he had to go through in his old school and with his dad. And them together are just heaven.
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Glee S3EP05 |
So you ship Klaine?
I just think they are made for each other. They complete each other. They work so well together and there is so much chemistry. They make each other strong and are always there when they need each other. They would do everything for each other and I just think they are completely perfect for each other because they accept each other for who they are. (I just imagined you reading this because you ship Blam and just shuddering in front of your phone haha)
Why do you think people is so passionate about them? Why they got haters?
Klaine was one of the first teenage gay couples on TV and they encouraged a lot of people to help them to come out, they helped people to realize that homosexuality is not bad and they were a BIG topic back in 2011 when they kissed. It was everywhere and people just love them. They love their chemistry, how they work together and how they are just made for each other. They encourage young kids and make teenage girls swoon. They got haters because they kind of got the main couple on Glee the last two seasons and people hated that. They want their couple to have screen time too and I completely understand that. Some people think the completely opposite of the things I just said and they say they bring a bad shadow over the LGBT community which is not true at all.
Has klaine any flaws?
They have to listen to each other more but besides that no.
"Chris... I can't even describe it I just love him so so much. Everything he touches becomes gold in my eyes"
Do you ship Crisscolfer?
Can we leave that question out? Sorry... No matter what I say, I will get hate and I made a big secret out of it for the last years... so just no. No one but 2 people know if I ship CrissColfer or Chillarren because no matter what I say I will get hate and death treats like always...
What do you think about Darren?
Darren is just supermegafoxyawesomehot and one of the nicest, generous and just cutest and most perfect person ever. I love everything about him. His acting, his voice, his songs, how he forgets stuff really fast, his hand gestures, how he curses in nearly every sentence and just all of him. He is just a good person by heart to everyone he meets and I love him.
And Chris?
Chris is just... I can't even describe it I just love him so so much. Everything he touches becomes gold in my eyes and he is just perfection in a person. There is no one more flawless than him and he can just do everything. He has so many talents it just blows my mind. He is so good to everyone and just so generous and good by heart. I love him so much
Do you think Chris and Darren are friends?
I think they still are really really good friends.
Why do you think they dont interact very much on the networks?
Probably because they don't want to cause drama over them because every time they tweet each other, Twitter goes nuts.
Do you think they had a love relationship?
If I answer this I'm answering what I ship... I can't, so... that. You nearly got me there.
"(Brittana shippers) They think Klaine steals their wedding"
What do you think of "Kledding"?
God Bless. Finally. That's the only thing that comes to my head because we waited so long and now it's finally gonna happen. I'm gonna die.
Do you like the double wedding?
No I don't like the double wedding I wish both ships would have their own wedding and their own moments.
Do you think klaine is stealing Brittana's moment?
Not really because they invite them.
What do you think of the Brittana fandom?
They think Klaine steals their wedding and there are really nice people in the Brittana fandom, I mean, one of my best friends is a brittana shipper but they have people in fandom who hate Klaine with all of their being but The Klaine fandom has people who do it with Brittana shippers the same way. They just want to protect their girls because they love them and don't want any shit for them.
And speaking of friends... Who are your Twitter best friends?
@diannaftagron, @nayassunshine , @missmollime @gleewarriorx @youmovemekurt22 @colfersgustin They are like my closest right now.
What do you think of Sabine?
She's a very very very nice girl. I always have fun when I text with her or we tweet each other because it's so easy with her. We have the same humor which I really love. She is good from her heart and would do everything for her friends even if she probably hates to admit it because she doesn't like to show any feelings in any form. I hope that I stay in contact with her for a very long time and that we even meet one day
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Photo from Transitioning. |
What do you expect from Transitioning?
I'm SO excited because of the Klaine duet and they kiss and I just can't wait it's gonna be AMAZING.
How do you think Glee will end?
No clue but I hope it's not the rumor with the mental hospital. It's RIB we never know...
Finally... How Glee has helped you?
It saved my life, it helped me realize who I am and that I'm worth it, taught me that being an outsider is not bad, helped me being braver and having courage and yeah and probably more that just won't come to my head right now...
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